Up & Coming Stars
The following pups are all offspring from
GRCh Dawin One For The Money X GrCh Dawin Heart’s Desire

Dawin Heart of a Gambler
Shown sparingly so far, this young lad is well on his way to his Championship!

Dawin Melt Your Heart
This young girl finished her Championship winning Best Opposite Sex over some specials on occasion.

Dawin Infinite Heart
Another promising bitch from this litter!

Dawin What the Heart Wants
A promising pup from this litter, in limited showing, is doing well in the ring.
Other offspring from GRCh Dawin One For The Money X GrCh Dawin Heart’s Desire:
Dawin With A Song In My Heart – “Charm” is in Sweden with Huffish, winning the Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate as well as Best Puppy in Breed at Midland Counties Canine Society show in the UK. This was the first time this promising bitch has been in the showing!